greetings, mr. radley

As you can already figure out from the title, I have finished reading To Kill A Mockingbird and I just can’t get over Boo Radley and Atticus Finch. Harper Lee is purity. Its perhaps one of the best books if all time and please give it a read if you haven’t, already.

Holidays are finally here and school has ended for now. I can’t believe the year is coming to an end, though. But honestly, this year has been the worst so far.

Christmas is around the corner. Park Street will light up again and it wll look like a thousand bucks worthy as usual. Everyone spending time with their families, fairs, circuses and of course fairy lights. I can’t point out any reason as to why I don’t like December. This month brings everyone together (pretty much) and festivity is always in the air.
As it is vacation time, I plan to read Catcher In The Rye and Kafka On The Shore. These two little books were waiting patiently to be read and now I have the time to do so. These two final weeks of my December will consist of studying, competing God awful projects, and of course weekly tests. I plan to get through these in the utmost cheerful way possible. Because carpe diem, friend.

I hope 2017 won’t let me down or is it the other way around ? I will take my leave now.

Enjoy the 25th of December. Do whatever you feel like doing. Because its not everyday that you get a 24-hour long break. Am I right?

Published by Udisha Jana

rants of a 19 year old.

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      1. Thanks will look those up. I like
        Julia Quinn- Brighter than the sun
        Julia Quinn- Everything and the moon
        Billy Taylor- Just friends (I haven’t read this one but I heard a lot of people talking about it so I’m going to try it out soon)


  1. You will LOVE Catcher in the Rye. That’s one of my all-time faves. I’m also with you on the “2016 SUCKS” sentiment. Here’s to a stellar 2017 for all! (Great post, by the way)

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